I use to have the problem of falling asleep. My mind would keep on racing, even though my body is physically exhausted. Now, I can’t wait to go to bed, and I am usually out cold before one can snap their fingers. But last night, I had a period of twenty minutes where I could not fall asleep. This might not sound very long to you, but sleep is very priceless to me.
The thoughts that were racing around my head were dark. A lot of ‘what if scenario’s’ came to my mind. What if a bomb drop on Cincinnati, would I survive? What if’ the polar ice caps melted? What if; aliens can capture souls? I know these thoughts aren’t very deep and inspiring, and I admit are sort of goofy, and a bit dark. But as I watch a life grow I realize how fragile life is. I have to admit it is truly amazing watching Ezra discover new things. So I guess I tend to think about immortality, a lot more these days. I am still a bit scared of death. And again I wonder if I get over that fear, I will die. Some say you have to accept death to really live. I accepted it will happen, but I don’t want it to happen anytime soon.
Let’s move onto a happier subject!
Ezra is a little rolling machine. He is all smiles and giggles, he loves rolling. He has successfully gotten from his stomach to his back. He tends to get pissed off if he is on his stomach for to long. I watched him do a 360 roll, it was so cool. I really have discovered I miss him when I am gone at work. I really wish I could cut back on my hours a little more, but that won’t happen anytime soon. He is also amazed by his feet.
But he also has discovered more of his vocal cords, and likes to make this strange screech scream noise. It’s cute, but it also is very high pitched. He tends to do this noise when he is, tired, excited, or bored. So its been a lot lately.
We went to traders’ world on Sunday, and turtle creek.
Going to a flea market, to look at useless stuff, weirdly makes me feel better about myself and my physical appearance. It just seems that everyone there is mutated in some way or another. With strange sized heads, eyes, stomach’s and etc. Not that I am miss perfect, but if you ever went there you would get my drift.
oh by the way we were beep at, and given the finger for our anti bush stickers on our bumpers.
This hasn't happened for a long while.
I have also been walking; the weather has been so nice, that I have broken out my sandals. I am very fair skin, and already got a bit sunburned. The weather has been crazy this year, abnormally cold in one month, abnormally warm at the end of an another month. Mother Earth is surely having her period.
Because its been very difficult to paint with Ezra being so small. I have been more into photography. I shall post some pictures later.