I eaither have to much time on my hands, or all my crazy times in my past life has effected my brain. or I am really a genius, and should be paid a million dollars for each painting I do, and each great idea I produce. come on invest in me (giggle)
when i went to art school, my big project i was working on was a huge cut up canvass, turn into interactive three dimensional puzzle peices, that you as the viewer put togearther, and can change, turn my art into your own art, because all art is subjective, then you had to write, or answer questions on what you saw in my orginal art peice, and how your's is diffrent. playing on the idea that all art is subjective, and you really can't feel what the artist did at the time the artist painted, drew etc, but you play on the idea of mood, feeling and thought...blah blah...
anyhow that project is laying in peices in my closet, and i never really finished the peices i wanted other people to put togeather, and the canvass kept bending (yes three dimensional) and well i had no where to place this huge project- so yeah-
any how here's a smaller version o f that sameconcept- the concept bein
Anyhow it show you that the two figures move around in each photo I am taking, not making a huge diffrence in the overall look of the painting, but i think changing the mood, showing hidden elements or covering up parts of the color. the diffrence of color settings of the camera changes the feel of it, blah, blah...do i really need to explain further..
I been in a werid mood with my art lately, the last three painting i have composed all have swirls in them..maybe i am in a funk
i need a bath, enough for tonight
1 comment:
I like the concept and I love the colors.
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