Tuesday, January 29


I am taking a few online test's to get a good direction on what I really want to focus on when I go back to school. Yes I am going back to school. No not Grad school because I really don't want to focus on the subject matter I choose in my four year. But to a two year trade school, so I can have a direct focus, and I will have choose one with a good Co-op program, and that's really why I am going. This is a big step for me. Focusing-

So, really the first 300 question test, didn't really tell me anything new.
Here are the results- I think I need to fine one more specific!

EVOKATEUR™ Thinking Style of Strength

  • They are the most creative individuals and often the oddest.
  • They generally conduct their everyday living with seeming detachment.
"For them, being peculiar is more than nature, it is necessity. As north IS, as south IS, Evokateurs ARE the most unusual beings on the planet, bar none. These ones must be peculiar in order to fulfill their life purpose. In everyday life, they generally choose spectator seats or assume sideline positions rather than join others in the fray, play, and decision-making. They prefer the rich fantasies and swirling tapestries of their own chimera to outer world reality, and often conduct their living with a detached remoteness that's less than normal but more than aloof. It's difficult for others to comprehend a world within a world, far less comprehend those who have one. Who among can imagine an internal reality that's more intimate, more satisfying and fulfilling than the reality we know as world and call home — but it is so, for Evokateurs. There's a good reason for Evokateur oddness. It's the uniform most commonly worn by greatness." ...

ISIONARY™ Working Style of Strength

  • They are driven to do something significant in their lifetime.
  • They aspire to being recognized/remembered for their achievements.
"Visionary is a born leader, as well as a card-carrying member of the workaholic club. Even among that select group, theirs is often the more serious affliction. These are the big-picture visionaries. The ones whose eyes are so firmly focused on the future that they hardly notice today's mud at their feet. "Brainstorming" and "think tanks" are typical workplace innovations of theirs and reflective of their intellectual curiosity and people-propensity. This is the strength of intuitive-intellect. A Visionary approach to all and to life is standout different. Leadership is their natural role. They delegate well and handle problems of project, personnel and process efficiently. They are known to be tough, meaning inflexible about poor job performance (their own and others'). When it comes to taking chances, Visionary leads the world; but then, they do have that ace up their sleeve: intuition. Others may consider them extraordinarily bold risk-takers. Their own opinion differs. When emotion gives the nod, Visionary sees it as considerably riskier to ignore their own truth in favour of logic, and much less rewarding." ...

EMPATH™ Emoting Style of Strength

  • Their emotions bubble over easily and unexpectedly.
  • They may confuse being used with being needed.
"Ranked among the most powerful of the 14 core ANSIR® Styles, Empath is endowed with an incredible gift: emotion-acuity that is second-to-none. This innate skill and ability are necessary as their purpose and message can alter man, world and future upon delivery. They are purely emotional beings. Most do not realize how powerful they are, or how destructive they can be. As children, when teased and/or taunted for being a cry baby, Empath begins to mask their feelings. When they begin to speak, they may mask their thoughts as well. Before they talked, they knew more or less what others were thinking and wanting, and often responded before words were spoken. When they learn to speak, they also learn what "good," "bad" and "worst" feels like. Good is when others like what they say; bad is when they don't; and worst is when others get angry. It shakes their faith in their ability to understand, when loved and trusted others tell them with words what they feel is not right. They become reactionary chameleons, expert at fitting themselves into whatever mood-mold pleases and, thus, beginning what will become an Empath trait, "tell them what they want to hear." ...

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