Wednesday, February 13

I am it

1. Link to the person that tagged you.

2. Post the rules on your blog.--

3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.

Ok see below...

4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
I don't read six blogs a day..

But I tag- Whoever reads this blog-

And Charles at

1: I am really anal about the length of my toe nails. Maybe it's perhaps because I really hate wearing shoes and socks. But they can't be very long. This does not mean I do anything special with my toes like paint them. They just have to be at the correct length that I see fit.

2: I have a hard time eating eggs of any sort when I make them at home. Every time I make eggs, halfway through eating them, I start thinking mass produced chicken larva. Where the hatchling is trapped in this metal cage with fifty other little birds, then vaccination and given growth hormones, so they can become egg producing zombies. The images that dance around my head are a lot more vivid then that. But I never think of such things when I order an omelet in a restaurant.

Here are some good websites about ‘eggs’
Granted this website is a little out there, but it has some great pictures, if you have the stomach for it

3: I know how to make jelly, and how to home can most products and churn butter. Useful skills when civilization falls around me.
If I owned a house I would most likely stock up my pantry for the ‘end days’. Again you never know when civilization is going to fall.

4: I was once invited to work as ‘seer’, because I had such correct observations about other people.

5: I miss riding around the country on a greyhound bus. The longest journey was close to three days.

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