Just some pictures to show my various parts of my personality.
It's been pretty quiet in my head. Things are going...found out quite recently that I can't take out a private loan for going to school with out a co-signer. Quite frankly the website said unless you have perfect credit, it's a no go. Sigh! Also on another website said we are no longer giving student loans, because of the economic climate of America. Umm what the f-ck was that 700 billion dollars for? It wasn't for me.
So I feel screwed. I could not go to school, re-enter the work force, and Oh not find a job!
Personally I have to lie now on applications about my qualifications, or I am doomed to be to over-qualified.
I know we will get through the madness, I am flying by in my classes, and will be hitting my five terms of co-op (which equates to a year), soon. I know how to kiss ass in the right ways, make my connections to the hospital or doctors office, and be in the medical field. Which is the only field that is not regressing. Only if I could of made this choice, when I was 18. But then I thought my thoughts, actions, and opinions would support me. What the hell did I know?
Nothing! My thoughts, actions and opinions are only segments of me, and can't be counted on to support me, unless I want to sell my soul to a candidate. Was once a possibility, but not with a bouncing two year old boy.
I could, but it's not me, put him in day care for 9# hours a day. But that didn't work so much. If someone going to screw with his brain, it should at least be his parents. That means I don't support women who go to work, and use day-care, those are options in which they decided, and if that works for them, bless them. Ezra does go to day care for about 12-14 hours a week when I am at school. He enjoys it, and loves playing with other kids. I just couldn't deal with the five days a week. The outcome of this decision means scrapping by- It sucks, I have debt that scares me, but life will even out. If it doesn't- well money I have learned does not buy happiness, its a tool that you use.
Let's see- Boring crap-
were still working on Pooping on the Potty. He is totally trained in the peeing department. Goes to the bathroom by himself, but Poop on the other hand is a whole another ball game.
Trains, trains, trains.
Common words spoken : (by two year old)
want to play-
Can I see?
Eh da wa Cndy or I want Candy
Mine, Yeah, and NO
Common words spoken by 27 year old?
Go pee then-
Get down!
That is pretty cool-
Is Bush out of office yet?
This is a; That ______ is this ___________
No, we been through this there is no Candy left-
Veggies are better!
lets go play trains now!
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