Thursday, April 26

Gray skies, opening, shouting, screaming
Monday morning

cold chill's and afternoon glory
enrapture me with faith and rhapsody
because I want to remember when

voices were not echo's, hitting against...
the metal walls of my memory


we just danced,
pushing are arms
knees, thighs, elbows, lips, tongues, hips
to feel free, to catch air
climbing higher and higher
till we belive we have hit a moment of ecstasy

But now

its bitter days
enslaved in the
factory game of
dandelion weeds and money slaves

--------------------------------------------------------another blurb about the meaning of life


Your experiences will come to you through four modalities: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Your body will give you physical messages of sensation, movement, pain and pleasure.Your emotional mechanism’s feelings will attract you and repel you in different directions, sometimes conflicting.Your mind’s thoughts will make logical inferences and judgments about your experience.Your soul’s intuitions will guide you to realize the deepest subtleties of your experience and its meaning.

What was your physical, emotional, and spirtual mood for today?

physically- i am in a zone of being awake but never quite enough
emotional- i am plateu of feelings, trying to get it
moment of zen- tasting coffee
spirtual- the topic of how religon should play a part in ezra's life.

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