I have never been very fond of Mirror's. I am almost terrified of them. I don't know when this phobia occurred, or how it started, or if it's just an issue of my degraded self esteem, but I am not fond of mirrors. Ever mirror that I have ever ownED (larger sized mirrors, such as ones you would place on your dresser, or mount on your wall) have broken, for no apparent reason. I am serious, they just broke, not because I moved them, or i threw something at it, it just started cracking. Odd I think, Yes, very odd. So because of this factor, we only have the mirror's that came with out house. The ones in our bathroom. It's not a very large mirror, large enough to see how my hair looks, but not to see if my pants look to baggy. When Ezra's dresser was given to us, it came with a very large mirror. I know that mirror's for babies help their little brains grow, and I promised myself I would not pass over my crazy phobia's to my child. So I kept the Mirror, and after five months the mirror is still not mounted above his dresser. Please don't think my child doesn't play with mirror's he has a few mounted on his toy's. One on his crib, I carry him to the bathroom so he can look in. But he has a blast with the mirror in the dressing room at Kohl's, he couldn't stop giggling at himself, and I couldn't stop smiling at him, and giggling. So to make a long story short, I will be mounting his Mirror. Seriously this is harder for me then it looks, I am terrified it will break for no reason, or extra, but it's time that I get over my fear of mirrors.
I reall like this web page I discovered, so here is part 2 on my meaning of life series. (yes i am a total dork)
You come here to do certain specific things. You may have one task or many. Your tasks may be obvious to you. or you may need time, effort, maybe struggle even to clarify your tasks. You may never quite even clarify your task until the moment your time in this body ends. You may work on your task for years before you realize, “This is my task.” The tasks you came to perform may take the whole of your life or be done in an instant. You may be aware you are performing your life task while you do it. You may perform your task quickly, hardly noticing anything special, unaware you are doing the task you came to do while you do it.Your task may be so easy, obvious and natural, you never even wonder, "What is my task?" Your unique blend of talents and interests may lead you to your task and you just do it. Or, your task may be a constant, unpleasant struggle you fight every step of the way. Your task may be noble and wonderful and gain you recognition, rewards and honors. Or, it may be simple, totally unnoticeable by anyone else.
'what are your tasks' have you figured it out yet?
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