Sunday, September 16


for the last oh ten years I been getting a bit depressed in the month of September. why you might ask? because it's birthday time for me, and birthday time, is a time of self reflection.

a lot has happened in my 25th year of life, i have had a lot of joy, and a lot of sorrow. I experienced the best thing in my life, and one of the worse months later. sometimes i feel like i am moving backwards, other times i feel like I am moving froward!

what i want to achieve for next year, is work on my career, do more things just for me (and not everyone else, and try to become more positive!

So sometime next week I will be having my birthday- plans are simple, take the day off work! not wake up so early to take little boy to daycare! an extra hour of sleep, is a lot to me! get a mocha! go to either the museum center with him (which is free) or the aquarium (though i don't think he will enjoy it as much as I would) then drop him off at tiff's for a few hours so the hubby and I can have a nice dinner with out having to entertain a ten month old...and thats about it...

last night (hubby and i went out) and on the 29th which is the night i am going out with the girls, are my getting 'wild nights"

on other blogger news,i will be creating a not so um emotional blog for ezra...

alright good night

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

September is my birthday month too and it is becoming a month "not to look forward to" but I'm trying to focus on the positive and be thankful for what I have. Hope you birthday is a nice one...sounds like it will be very laid back which sounds about perfect to me. Enjoy!