Tuesday, September 11


as you can see by my lack of blogs that i have become busier. i have transfer jobs again, and thus most of my previous free time to write, is now occupied by data entry.
whoo, not what i expected to do with my life. but for this moment, it works.
for this moment it works or at least thats what i keep telling myself.
over and over again, so I don't lose my mind.

this is a common thread...right now, if i can deal with this moment, it will get better, it will get better. something will change for me, i will become happier, and less.....

and feeling less like i want to scream....

1 comment:

Gopapatni said...

Glad to see I am not alone in regards to survival mode but screaming isn't how I vent it.I become stupefied.
Do you really live in Afghanistan? Ok that was ridiculous. I live in West Bengal so that is nearly as weird as Afghanistan and for my pains I have a maid but it doesn't take the edge off angst one bit. It just transfers like a parasite to another host.

In the soup, gopa