Saturday, June 7

What a day-

Or week I can say-

So life sometimes is a roller coaster. My emotional strain from the starting of this week, was mainly hormonal. The other part of my emotional strain, is from the fact that I am passive in behavior, and sometimes things just rub me the wrong way.

I have strange thoughts spewing in my head.

One is about therapy and mental health. I am not sure I like how therapy and drugs are combined. I don't know the solutions of mental health. I know I am not grade a sane. But then who really defines sanity? Don't we all chose different ways to cope with daily problems? I just don't feel as we know everything there is to know, and I don't feel like one therapist or even two can tell me, how to be me, or how to cope. After seeing a friend lose her marbles with a change of medications, one just has to wonder.

But on the other hand, I am very jaded about therapy from my own horrid experience with one. So, I guess I am not one to perscripe a good opinion about the subject.

The other thing about this week has been thinking about Bryon and the anniversary of his death. I spoke to his mom over the phone. She was and there are no other words to put this, fucked up about a year turning over. I couldn't even imagine what you feel as a mother.

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