Saturday, November 1

Edward Sissor Hands

through genetics, my son has inherited the curls I had as a small child. Maybe one day when I have energy, Ill hook up the scanner and do some comparison pictures.

Here's a image of his curls.

He was the poster child for the Arian race, blue eyes, golden blond hair.

After the 22nd time of Ezra being called a girl, I decided it was time for a cut. So I Edward scissor hands, cut most of his beautiful locks. Not very easy to tame curly hair, on a almost two year old sitting in the tub, but alas I didn't do such a horrid job, and even got a compliment.

Don't worry his hair is much like mine, and grows at a very fast rate. Hopefully it will be full through out his life time, and he will inherit my father's hair line. I miss his curls' but a few still poke out from sides, and now he's just a handsome little man.

I am having emotional difficulties planning his second birthday. I am not sure I will ever bare another child, so, it's hard for me to see that my baby, is no longer one, and more of an explorer of this odd world.

He's a great kid, he's full of energy and life, and does take time to smell the roses, time to try to catch a butterfly. He like any child, can try a patience. But I have a river of it. I am not the type of mom who is strick, and demands obedience, this might bite me in the ass one day. But I realize jumping, and climbing is a part of discovery. I am not a control freak, my child will walk with me in the store (always in eye site), As nice it would be if sat silently in a cart, but that's not his personality, nor is it mine. I always had an Independence streak, and feel that it's needed for growth and individual thought later down the line. I am trying to prepare him for a life, where you might have to rely on your own self. But be kind to others, and don't be afraid to ask for help.

He's going to get scratches and bruises.

But I am also a teacher. Holding hands in parking lots a must, being in my line of view a must, I freak when I can't see him on a play set, but at the same time I don't want to be overwhelming, parenthood is a hard mix of what's right, and we all do it differently.

I am rambling..

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