Monday, March 16


I have realized I haven't put up anything substantial in my blog for quite sometime.

So here it goes: Three weeks ago my sebastion kitty was in the grips of death's hand. To make a long story short, his urethra was clogged by crystals, and thus he couldn't pee. Meaning that he was filling up with toxins. So I took him to the only vet open in the area on Saturday, then he went to the emergency hospital on Sunday, and now he is about 95% back to his old self. Though he's on lubriciously (cool word huh) expensive diet for the rest of his kitty years, and now I am trying to separate his food from the other cats food. Which is not easy because they are use to eating all out of all the same cat food, and they know something is up when I feed them separately. Bella cat, who is the fattest cat in the land, will eat anything. Even though I been trying to downsize what he eats, he will find the cat food, and open the bag up, for a lazy fat cat he does have some ambition to get the cat food. So the cat food is in the closet, you would think it was safe, nope, he'll some how open the door and jump his fat butt to the highest shelf.

School is busy, and thus why I don't write very often. I am overwhelmed by the full time, mom, and full time student experience. I am deciding on what classes to take coming up, and my chemistry section is only offered at night, not just one night a week but two..sigh

I have realized that little kids already have personalities they are going to follow them into adulthood. There are the dare devils, the social butterflies, the quiet observers. It's interesting.

My little man is having a hard time adjusting to his new big boy bed. He likes to wake up in the middle night (usually because he has to go to bathroom) and then sneak into the bed with us. I am waking up to take him to bathroom, waking up and trying to get him in his own bed, or waking up because there's an elbow in my side. Were slowly breaking him from wanting and then proceeding to sleep with us.

Thus i surrive on little sleep, too much coffee, and so forth

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