Sunday, July 19

I quit-

I quit smoking, I am been smoke free for 3 1/2 days now. No patches, no gum, no nicotine replacement system- just free will, and I do miss it-
smoking was my dirty little secret, that started up again after a dear friend died..stress related mostly, and since i was a previous smoker before quitting because I was having a kid, it was easy to escape back into it-
But I never smoked in front of my kid, or in my house-usually outside of my car, before anyone woke up, or after everyone went to bed- or i got that glorious ten minutes by myself, where I could just go and escape and smoke-again it was my dirty little secret-
I smoke more when I had a adult time- or drinking time, again another no kid allowed time- a pack would last me 4-5 days, so I wasn't a crazy heavy smoker, I just enjoyed the habit-I smoked more around people, or stressed, but yeah never more then 7 a day-
I can't say Ill never smoke again, In adult time at a bar in another state I might bum one, or if someone gives me one, I might take it- and I hope to find the taste and flavor disgusting as the habit is-
But I can stick to my principles and say the industry will no longer be getting any of my money-

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