Wednesday, August 19

the dreams

dreams, my dreams are tangled up webs scenes and pictures- They contain future moments, with people from the past- sometimes my dreams play out in the present- sometimes they are future moments imagined by me- some are dealing with issues of closure that I never reached- sometimes i am haunted by them, and sometimes I never want to wake up from them-

i sometimes ponder if other people actually exist? the god complex- I am the big writer of the story- there is of course foreshadowing- events that other people go through that 'affect'effect' my life, but I of course write them with out knowing it-

my thoughts come from I will never feel the way another person will, my sense of knowing them is purely subjective- some of my characters are developed, and other's are just stand ins- The characters might have separate lives, but I am the writer, even if I am not fully consciously aware that I am writing other people 'lives'-
You can tie this idea in to the conscious collective-

Sometimes I wish I could write a life back into my story of the present- and remove them from the past participial- but I try to understand that life has a course-

again another thought of are we predestined? going back to above thought, did we create this life, or write this story before even living it- and perhaps life can be equated to a series of novels-

and we don't really write our lives, but 'god' does, thus we are all god's children, and god is just a big writer in the sky---

of course i dont have the answers to these questions- nor do I have all the answers on why I make all the choices I do- And I don't have the answers on why certain people enter my dream place so often-

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