Monday, April 23

meaning of life-

I tend to get very bored at work-so sometimes when the office is silent, and I need a break from it all, i google random phrases that pop in my head. today is the meaning of life-

I really like this poem on this webpage:

sorry for the crazy script

I just Just exactly as if you are landing a spaceship from another galaxy, your soul enters your body and lands here on Earth. Perhaps you come from out of nowhere, out of nothingness. Or else you had a previous existence somewhere, in another realm or in this realm, and you have forgotten it. Perhaps you land here of your own free choice.Or some cosmic force some karma beyond you causes you to land on this planet; and you have no choice. No matter. This is Earth. You land and stay for a while.

what is your meaning, thoughts on the meaning of life?

1 comment:

GirlyWarrior said...

I think the meaning of life is something every individual needs to decide for themselves.
Me ... I'm pretty fucking crazy, so mine tends to change often. Right now my meaning of life is to be at peace inside my soul and figure out where that soul belongs in the outside world.