Thursday, March 13

Ramble on Rambling Man-

Ramble on rambling man, through the cliffs and valleys of this great land.

I am not a poet- my rhymes have no reason.


it's been a strange road that I have been traveling on lately. my goal is still to learn how to focus, keep track of what I need to get done, to go ahead. I am working on it, and working on myself.

i am going to hang my fish painting, even though in my eyes is it not done. i had my great of thought of letting ezra finish it when he gets older. i guess i am hoping that he likes art as much as mama does.

i have decided none of my art is finished, and all needs re-working. i repainted a canvass tonight with gesso and blue paint. I am also working on my blue woman, who's on a blue background. i have decided to give her facial and body structure in yellow and purple. hopefully will finish it sometime this weekend, maybe tomorrow evening?
then it's to work on my face, that i can't quite get out of my head...
then my last big canvass i am going to paint like my coffee table, an odd version of starry night.
I guess i am just in my damn blue period. blue calms me.

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