Sunday, September 28

Ferris wheels

Life is one to me-

I realize I have a pot of anger burning in my stomach. The sources are many, things that I throw back with a grain of salt. Things that I swallow, things that I just accept as unchanging. I do not know what to do with my pot. I use to have healthy productive outlets, but they are hiding in the closet, with the lack of time.
I know I am making excuses. Why don't I deal with what is bothering me, why do I hide? Why do I try to sugar coat everything- it's fake, and I hate fake.
Why can't I just say that's shitty? why do I sit?
I am in one of those places again, I want to get out-

On the sunnier sides of things- Because usually I am just that type of girl that sits underneath a tree and plays with the dirt-

My little boy is growing up into an incredibly smart kid, who is fearless- he went on the ferris wheel today (with me), and trust me it scared the shit out of me. But he was perfect gentleman. He also rode the helicopters, metal cars...
Next spring is going to be a blast-

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