Wednesday, February 11


Life is a bundle of building blocks, if the tower knocks over you rebuild.
Sometimes you have a pieces left over from the original tower, they are good stones to step on as you re-build the tower. Sometimes those stones are not useful, you have to choose wisely which ones you toss aside. Sometimes you just need to let go of those original blocks that are left and build the tower up from scratch.
Life is a bundle of building blocks-

This is what I have learned from my son. He plays with his wooden blocks for hours, sometimes he builds great forts, and towers. Sometimes he lets them stand, other times they fall down and he whimpers, and sometimes he knocks them down. He doesn't always share his blocks. Sometimes he insists you build towers along side him. Sometimes he uses the original blocks to rebuild, other time he carefully chooses which blocks to use. this act of building has become a play on words to me. life is a bundle of building blocks.

I have had odd dreams lately, about destruction of human society. Dreams about people from the past who know longer exist on this physical realm. In some of these dreams I am rebuilding society, I am survivor while everyone is in a paused moment, not able to move, stuck. While I am on the road moving further, I am in cities where I once visited or lived. I also find myself inside the dream dreaming about answers I need. I woke into this stage of reality with a message of 'run'.
The other dream is about a person I lost somewhere in my youth. A period of time where escapism was my rule, and reality was transcendent. In other words I was trying to find myself inside all chaos that I didn't realize that I was causing for myself. I was in a period of enjoying unknown self destruction.

Ill leave it at that, my son has woke up cranky-

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