Thursday, February 26

things about me

I am trying to relax between classes at the moment
I have a realizing that I am getting older and not sure what I make out of it.
I am still friends with people I have known more then ten years. And yes hang out with them.
Apparently when I turned twenty-five I entered into the breeders club.
I am currently working on a new degree- to go along with a more 'prodigious' degree (at least that's what I been told)
My eating habits have become less healthy as of late :(
But I at least I tell myself I exercise more-
I wish I had a better relationship with my mother, or at least could gain a better understanding of her.
The ages of 19-21 are pretty blurry to me- I wasn't a very good girl.
Theres only really one action of stupidity that I am still ashamed of-
I am more traditionally religious then a lot of my friends- though my religion is still a mixture of ology's- I do have rosary and scared heart of Jesus statue in my living room its a relic
I find religious humor especially about Christianity very amusing- some might be offended at what I find funny-

well got to go to class----------fun fun..

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