Thursday, November 29

big pile

of mush, thats how my life is sometimes. I realize at 26 my life goes in waves. theres this calm tide, and then a rush. right now I am in a rush.

theres the job front, after about a year and half of sending out resumes and trying for things. I have like five choices, two job offers, and two possible ones. recruiters bore me, especially the one I casually filled out paperwork in her office today. I wasn't dressed to impress her, I just came in to fill out paper work. but she gives me that talk of make sure to wear a business suit. I just sorta look at her. I am telling her things she already told me and forgot, she didn't even bother to do her job as a recruiter. I am trying to work with her to go on an interview, and if I get this job, she gets a bonus on her paycheck.

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