Tuesday, May 13

Religon 101

I been thinking about religion, and how I defined my self as a entity.

So here is my religion 101-

I say this is my religion, because I really feel that we all come in the end to our own conclusions, about the big picture of things. this doesn't mean, that others don't have an influence, they do. But they will not decided your own brand of faith-

1: I believe in something.
2: the word God, and the other titles for it, are way to simplistic.
3: we are taken to something else outside of this place when our soul is released
4: words like soul, death, life, again are much to simplistic.
5: In my brand of faith, everything contains energy, and everything is 'alive'
6: I am much better at expressing my greater thoughts outside of words.
7: we are here for a purpose, what that is question.
8: I don't see Jesus as being the son of God.
9: I see books of 'faith' as teaching tools, to help us understand our paths, but should not be used as 'rules'
10: there are no rules.
11: I feel strange when someone tries to place rules, on how I should see or seek my something.
12: No one is wrong in their system of belief's, I wish I could find my self happy with the religous right, or the baptist church or something, but it doesn't float my boat.

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