Tuesday, May 13

Woah, hold down the fort

Gas is at a record high, our two car household will most likely be turn into one, and we may be moving so we both can be closer to school/work. It's an idea that's been popping in my head. The only good thing I see about a recession is that housing costs, and rent are going down-

I tend to move a lot, I get disastified with my apartment, often, and always need to grow. what i would like to have in the next place is, a yard, and a room aside from the family room, that is reserve for art and meditation. Oh did I say I move a lot, instead of moving things around, to look like it's new, I look for a new place. I think I just like the stress of moving.

For mother's day, I was granted the privilege to not at all be responsible on Saturday evening. I think I push that button a little father, then I would of liked- I tend to get 'funny' as Charles puts it. A little irrational, a little like my third eye is talking a bit too loud, and I always go on on how Cali is going to have a major earthquake. But I danced, stumbled, and regretted my decision on eating Thai food for dinner. But I had fun-that's the point, to be free, and a bit careless for a night- is granted once in a while.

other then that I am just chilling, enjoying the weather, and trying to accept my inner person.

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